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Sedation Dentistry

sedation dentistryMany patients suffer from dental anxiety; it is a very common response to having to visit the dentist’s office. Some of the most common reasons for this anxiety are a fear of pain, fear of injections, a previous bad experience, or feeling like there is a loss of control. However, fear of seeing the dentist should never prevent you from getting routine dental examinations because professional dental cleanings are the best way to detect and treat any problems while they are still in their early stages. If you experience any anxiety in the dentist’s chair, make sure to inform our Los Angeles sedation dentistry expert because we offer several treatments to make you feel more relaxed.

Sedation dentistry uses medications to relax patients. Sometimes it is referred to as “sleep dentistry,” but this is not always accurate because a patient is not always necessarily asleep. The levels of sedation used by our expert in sedation dentistry in Los Angeles include:

• Minimal sedation, in which you are relaxed but awake
• Moderate sedation, in which you will not remember a lot about the procedure
• Deep sedation, in which you are on the edge of consciousness but can still be awoken easily
• General anesthesia, in which you are completely unconscious

Sedation Dentistry Los Angeles

There are different types of sedation that may be used depending on your preference and health situation. Our Los Angeles sedation dentistry expert can give you inhaled minimal sedation, which is when you breathe in nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. The gas helps you relax, and the effects of the gas wear off quickly, so you are well enough after the procedure to drive yourself home.

Our expert in sedation dentistry in Los Angeles also offers oral sedation, which involves giving a patient a pill that makes a patient drowsy but still awake. IV moderate sedation utilizes a sedative drug that is administered through a vein, and this method allows the dentist to control the amount of sedation used. The most extreme form of sedation dentistry is general anesthesia, which makes you totally asleep throughout the procedure. Make sure to communicate your needs and feelings with our dentist in Los Angeles, and we can find the best treatment for you.