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Dental Bonding

dental bondingDental bonding is a procedure in which a tooth-colored resin material is applied to the teeth and then hardened using a special light. The light is what bonds the material to the tooth in order to restore appearance. Our Los Angeles dental bonding expert may recommend it as a viable option in order to:

• Change the shape of a tooth
• Make certain teeth look longer
• Improve the appearance of a discolored tooth
• Repair a decayed tooth
• Repair a chipped or cracked tooth
• Close spaces between teeth
• Protect a portion of a tooth where the root is exposed

Dental Bonding Los Angeles

After an initial consultation with our expert in dental bonding in Los Angeles, you can begin the procedure. There is little preparation needed for dental bonding unless it is being used to repair a decayed tooth. In order to match the shade of your natural teeth, our Los Angeles dental bonding expert will use a shade guide so that the bonding blends in with the rest of your teeth.

After the prep work is completed, the surface of the tooth will be roughened and a conditioning liquid will be applied. This material will help the bonding stick to the tooth. Next, the tooth-colored resin will be applied, molded, and smoothed so that you reach the desired shape. In order to ensure the bonding stays in place, an ultraviolet light will be shone on the tooth in order to harden the material. Once it is hardened into place, our expert in dental bonding in Los Angeles will perform any necessary trimming or shaping in order to match it with the rest of the teeth.

Dental bonding is one of the easiest dental procedures to perform since it does not require any restorations to be built in a lab first. Your bonding can generally be created in your dentist’s office unless multiple teeth require bonding. And bonding does not require any of your tooth’s natural enamel to be removed in order to fit properly. If you want to restore a tooth using dental bonding, contact our Los Angeles dentist.