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Dental Bridges

dental bridgesDental bridges are used to literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. It is comprised of two or more crowns, called abutments, for the teeth on either side of the gap and a false tooth or teeth in between. Our Los Angeles dental bridges expert prefers to use them in order to restore a smile, restore the ability to chew and speak, prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting positions, and maintain your natural facial structure.

The process for getting a dental bridge requires two visits to our expert in dental bridges in Los Angeles. During your first visit, the abutment teeth will be prepared. This involves reshaping the teeth by removing portions of the enamel so that the crown can be placed over them. An impression will then be made of your teeth, and this impression will be sent to a dental lab so that your bridge and crowns can be designed. Until your restorations are built, you will need to wear a temporary crown in order to protect the exposed gums and teeth.

Dental Bridges Los Angeles

Your second visit will begin with the removal of your temporary crowns. Your bridge will then be fitted, and our Los Angeles dental bridges expert will thoroughly examine the crown in order to make sure it does not cause any changes to your bite.

Some patients are concerned if a dental bridge will affect their ability to eat and speak, and a dental bridge actually restores your ability to perform these functions properly. Missing teeth can cause alterations in your speech patterns, and if a missing tooth causes other teeth to move around, it could severely alter your bite.

Most dental bridges can last up to 15 years or even longer if properly cared for. The best way to care for your bridge is to treat it just like your natural teeth. Make sure to brush twice a day and floss every day as well. And remember to schedule biannual appointments with our expert in dental bridges in Los Angeles to make sure your overall oral health is in good shape. If you think you can benefit from a dental bridge, contact our dentist in Los Angeles.