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Invisalign Los Angeles

A straight smile can be a huge confidence booster. Invisalign is an orthodontic alternative to braces that uses clear thermoplastic aligners to make incremental adjustments in the position of targeted teeth. The aligners are comfortable to wear and convenient to use. If you want a straight, healthy smile, our Los Angeles team can help you decide if this system is right for you.

The traditional system corrects many of the same problems as traditional braces, but the aligners are removable, so you do not have to give up your favorite foods or activities during treatment. They are also virtually invisible, meaning you can wear them during any occasion without worrying about the way they look. Each aligner moves your teeth a little closer to your goal, so when you are finished, you will have a healthier, more aesthetically pleasing smile. Our Los Angeles team may recommend the aligner system if you have:

• Crooked or crowded teeth
• Gapped teeth
• Crossbite
• Underbite
• Overbite

Invisalign Teen

Teens are still growing, so they have needs that vary from the needs of adults. Invisalign Teen is made especially for them, with special Blue Dots to indicate use, and eruption tabs that allow their aligners to adapt to their changing smiles. Invisalign Teen even features up to six free replacement aligners in case teens lose or damage their appliances.

Invisalign Express

Not all smiles have the same issues or the same severity of issues, which is why Invisalign Express was created. This system uses the same advanced technology as the classic aligners, but speeds the process for patients with minor crowding, spacing, or alignment issues. If you have a small gap or need minor midline correction, you may be able to unveil your new smile in just six months or less with Invisalign Express.

We begin the process with a thorough examination of your smile, including 3D images of your teeth and jaw. This allows us to create a fully customized treatment plan to diagnose your orthodontic problems and determine what you can expect from treatment. We may even be able to give you a sneak peek of your new look.

Once you get your aligners, you will wear each set about two weeks at a time for twenty-two hours a day until you have completed your treatment plan. Call our dentist in Los Angeles today to learn more or to schedule your consultation.