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Root Canal

root canalThe root canal is the pulp-filled cavity in the root of a tooth, and “root canal” is often the phrase used for the treatment to repair and save a tooth that has suffered an intense infection. The pulp within the root canal contains the nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that nourish a tooth. After a tooth has fully erupted, the nerves’ main purpose is to provide the sensation of heat and cold, but it is not vital in the overall functionality of the tooth. The absence of a nerve will not affect the day-to-day function of a tooth, so in instances where the pulp becomes infected, our Los Angeles root canal expert will often recommend removing the infected material.

There are a number of reasons why a visit to our expert in root canal in Los Angeles would be necessary. A tooth’s nerve and pulp can become infected due to extensive tooth decay, repeated dental procedures on a tooth, large fillings, a crack or chip in a tooth, or severe trauma to the face. Many people joke about how painful a root canal procedure can be, but the truth is that allowing an infected tooth to remain untreated can lead to extreme pain and more invasive procedures. A root canal treatment is actually fairly painless since our Los Angeles root canal expert applies anesthesia for the treatment. Many patients say that it is no more painful than getting a standard dental filling.

Root Canal Los Angeles

Several symptoms will indicate that an appointment with our expert in root canal in Los Angeles is necessary, including:

• Severe toothache when chewing or applying pressure
• Prolonged sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
• A persistent pimple on the gums
• Swelling or tenderness in the nearby gums
• Discoloration of a particular tooth

The procedure will begin by applying anesthesia to the affected area and then drilling an access hole to remove the infected material. The area will then be cleaned out and sealed with a medicated packing material to ensure that no further decay occurs in the tooth. To learn more about the operation, visit our dentist in Los Angeles.