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Dental Fillings

dental fillingsA dental filling is a way to restore a tooth that has suffered decay in order to bring it back to its normal function and shape. It is a fairly common dental procedure since many people experience cavities at some point in their lives, and our Los Angeles dental fillings expert will perform it by removing every part of the decayed tooth, cleaning the affected area, and then filling it with the desired material. A dental filling is essential is preventing future decay since it closes off the space where bacteria can enter. Your particular dental filling can be made out of a number of materials, and our expert in dental fillings in Los Angeles will work with you to find the best material for your needs.

Several factors will come into play when deciding the best kind of filling for you such as the extent of the damage and where in the mouth the cavity is located. Gold fillings are made in a laboratory and then cemented into place by our Los Angeles dental fillings expert. Many dentists recommend gold fillings since they are well-tolerated by the gum tissues, and they can last over 20 years if you take good care of your oral health. But the downside to gold fillings is that they tend to be the most expensive option, and they can require multiple visits to place.

Dental Fillings Los Angeles

Another option is silver fillings which are less expensive than gold fillings but just as durable. However, they tend to be more noticeable than other materials. For this reason, our expert in dental fillings in Los Angeles often reserves silver fillings for teeth that are located in the back of the mouth, so they are not as readily apparent. Porcelain fillings are a popular option since they can be made to match the exact color of your natural teeth. They are also highly stain resistant, so they will remain bright and white for many years.

The only way to determine if you have a cavity that needs to be filled is by getting a thorough dental examination, so make sure to regularly schedule dental appointments once every six months with our dentist in Los Angeles.