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Restorative Dentistry

restorative dentistryYour teeth are a valuable asset. They serve a vital function in making sure you can speak and eat properly, and if anything were to happen to them, it could negatively impact your day-to-day life. A chipped tooth could make you more prone to developing tooth decay. And a missing tooth could cause the surrounding teeth to shift positions, putting you more at risk of an abnormal bite and gum disease. As a result, visiting our Los Angeles restorative dentistry expert is essential in ensuring that your teeth and gums remain healthy.

Our expert in restorative dentistry in Los Angeles offers several restoration options depending on your specific needs. Dental fillings are the most common type of restoration option since most people develop a cavity at some point in their lives. A filling involves removing the decayed part of a tooth, cleaning it out, and filling it in with a medicated material. There are several different options for this material including gold, silver, composite resin, or porcelain. The best type of material for you will depend upon the extent of the damage and where in the mouth the decayed tooth is located.

Restorative Dentistry Los Angeles

Dental crowns are a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a tooth in order to restore it back to its original shape and size. A damaged tooth could affect the way your upper and lower teeth fit together, and if a broken tooth has a jagged edge, you could cut your tongue or cheek against it. A crown will ensure that no further damage occurs, and since it will blend in with the rest of your teeth, no one will even know you have a crown.

Dental bridges are another option that is used in the event of a missing tooth or teeth. Our Los Angeles restorative dentistry expert often prefers to use dental crowns to replace a missing tooth since it does not require an alteration to any other teeth. Bridges require the adjacent teeth to be trimmed down in order for the bridge to be placed properly.

And our expert in restorative dentistry in Los Angeles also offers dentures for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth. Partial dentures are used to replace some of the teeth while full dentures are used when all the teeth are missing. If only a few healthy teeth remain, our dentist may just extract them so that full dentures can be properly placed. If your teeth have suffered damage, schedule a consultation with our Los Angeles dentist.