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lumineersIf your teeth have suffered discoloration, fracturing, or gaps, then Lumineers could be a viable option to restore your smile. Lumineers are custom-built porcelain veneers that are made out of ultra-thin material. In fact, they are so thin that they do not require any removal of your teeth’s natural enamel. Because of this, many patients prefer getting Lumineers since dental veneers require a small portion, usually about 0.5mm, of enamel to be removed. But our Los Angeles Lumineers expert does not have to perform any drilling or trimming, making the entire experience much more enjoyable.

Placing the Lumineers usually involves two visits to our expert in Lumineers in Los Angeles. During the first visit, our dentist will create a precise mold of your teeth. Your teeth will be thoroughly examined so that the Lumineers will match the exact shade of your natural teeth. After the first visit is over, the dentist will send the mold off to a dental lab so that your Lumineers can be built. For your second visit, our Los Angeles Lumineers expert will apply your new restoration directly to your teeth. They will be checked to make sure they match the shape and color of the rest of your teeth, and any alterations will be made if need be. And then you can walk out the office ready to show off your new smile to the world.

Lumineers Los Angeles

Despite their thinness, Lumineers are incredibly durable, and if properly cared for, they can last up to 20 years. Lumineers cause no restrictions to your diet, so you can continue eating your favorite foods, but you should still practice good oral hygiene. Taking care of your Lumineers is a lot like taking care of your regular teeth, so brush and floss your Lumineers just as you normally would.

Sometimes, our expert in Lumineers in Los Angeles can even recommend Lumineers as an alternative to braces. Severe orthodontic problems can only be corrected with braces, but if there is only minimal misalignment, you may qualify for Lumineers since they can make your teeth look straighter and more uniform. If there is a problem with your teeth that you would like to correct, ask our cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles about Lumineers.