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Dental Extractions

dental extractionsOur Los Angeles dental extractions expert may recommend having teeth extracted when restoration or root canal treatment is no longer possible. By removing certain teeth, our dentist can resolve symptoms of tooth decay, prevent infection from spreading, and make way for other teeth depending on the reason for extraction. Afterwards, patients can have their teeth replaced with a variety of methods, including bridge-supported crowns, dentures, or dental implants depending on eligibility. Here is more about dental extraction, the reasons it is performed, and the methods involved.

Dental extraction is often performed on teeth that are severely damaged by tooth decay or physical trauma, but several other situations can make extraction necessary. For example, destruction of supporting tissue by gum disease can warrant tooth extraction. Infections of tooth pulp, though often treatable through root canal therapy, can also make extraction necessary. Finally, our expert in dental extractions in Los Angeles may recommend removal of teeth in preparation for future oral development or orthodontic treatment if overcrowding is present.

Dental Extractions Los Angeles

Our Los Angeles dental extractions expert may use one of two general extraction methods depending on the reason for extraction and the situation of the tooth to be removed. When enough of a tooth is exposed, our dentist may perform a basic extraction using forceps, an instrument that resembles pliers. When a tooth is incompletely erupted from the gums, as many wisdom teeth are, our dentist may perform surgical extraction. Surgical extraction involves making incisions in the gums to expose more of the tooth and possibly breaking the tooth into pieces so that removal with forceps is possible. In both basic and surgical extractions, our dentist administers local anesthesia so that the procedure is painless.

After dental extraction, patients will receive instructions from our Los Angeles dentist for use during recovery. Our dentist may also prescribe pain relievers to prevent discomfort and antibiotics to guard against infection. To learn more about dental extractions and the reasons why certain teeth need to be removed, patients can schedule a consultation with our expert in dental extractions in Los Angeles.